In the bigger picture, it's the small details that matter. A wall-mounted soap dispenser in just the right color and material can make a big difference in the bathroom or the kitchen. Besides, it is practical and frees up space on the counter or by the sink.

A Wall-mounted Soap Dispenser Signals Attention to Detail

If you are to lift a decor from good to exceptional, you need to focus on all the small details, which at first glance may seem less important, but in the end are crucial for the overall impression. A soap dispenser belongs to that part of the bathroom interior that can complete a decoration through a focus on high-quality details. In combination with other bathroom accessories in the same style and material, a simple and aesthetically pleasing wall-mounted soap dispenser is indispensable for creating an inviting bathroom with a coherent design thread. The soap dispenser might not be the first thing you see when you enter the bathroom at the office, hotel, or store. But all visitors use it, and therefore it plays a significant role. Not least design-wise. The same applies to soap dispensers placed in kitchens, where there is also a need for a high level of hygiene and thus frequent use of hand soap.



A Wall-mounted Soap Dispenser that Combines Design and Functionality

When decorating a bathroom or kitchen with an eye for simple and aesthetic details, the design of the wall-mounted soap dispenser comes first. However, this doesn't mean that you need to compromise on functionality - at FROST, the idea of ​​combining design and functionality is deeply rooted in our DNA. An elegant soap dispenser quickly loses its value if it is not able to dispense appropriately, or the button is not pleasant and easy to press. We design interiors that not only have a timeless and simple design but allow aesthetics and practical functions to go hand in hand.  The advantage of a wall-mounted soap dispenser is, in addition to freeing up space on the table or by the sink, it is a more hygienic solution because dirt cannot accumulate around or under the dispenser. Please note that many of our wall-mounted soap dispensers are intended solely for pH-neutral hand soap and therefore should not be mounted in shower cabins or bathrooms.



Choose the Wall-mounted Soap Dispenser that Complements Your Decor

In our selection of soap dispensers, we have emphasized that you should have all options to find the right material for the particular decor, the wall-mounted soap dispenser is to fit into. We thus offer soap dispensers in polished and brushed steel, copper and gold, as well as matte black, brushed black, and matte white. The materials run through our entire range of bathroom accessories, so you can decorate a whole room with the same materials in everything from the wall-mounted soap dispenser to the pedal bin and towel hooks. As is well known, the truly thorough design experience arises in the small details, and therefore we have thought of everything in the bathroom interior in our collections. Once you have chosen the right material, you can also create variation in the expression with the design of the soap dispenser. You can choose a wall-mounted soap dispenser that is used with a light press on the top, and where the soap comes out of a spout at the top - as with most classic soap dispensers. In addition, there is the model that is operated with a button on the front, and where the soap comes out at the bottom. This model is available in both a cylindrical and a square model, depending on the expression you are looking for.